Tuesday, March 20, 2012

God Speed Spider-Man

I should have write this last Sunday but anyways let's just continue. It's all about Spider-Man's Birthday.

Woke up last Sunday, Like a simple day everyday nothing special, get off the bed, eat breakfast, brush your teeth to prepare yourself to go to work. When i thought is going to be a simple day. While i was talking to our client to fix there concern regarding to there Internet Connection. One of our client was on a hurry so
 I said "Ma'am when will you be available?". She said "Call me on Monday  at exactly 6:00PM i am at home that   time". And the she suddenly added "Sorry it is my Birthday today that's why I am in hurry I am going to celebrate it" and she laughed. And I said "Happy Birthday Ma'am" and she thanked me. I ended the call abruptly.

And then suddenly I ask myself "What's the date today?".  And i look at the computer's time and date. It was March 18, 2012. And I remember it was my birthday. And in the back of my mind I said "We have the same birthdate so i should be celebrating too". And damnit! I was thinking out loud!. All my teammates heard it.

Note: Geez! I am always doing that! Thinking out loud. The words always slips my mouth!.

And so they greeted me! And of course i took them to KFC for the sake of my birhtday. After work i went to the School where I used to study. Damn! New faces and a New crowd especially the girls their beautiful. I bet they are Freshmans!. I went to school just to pay some visit and since it was foundation week i went there.

It was fun really.haha. There were clowns and Acrobats!. It was like a Children's Party. I was happy but then i realize that i no longer have reasons to go here. The girl i use to like she has a boyfriend. Damn!. Mary Jane belongs to someone else now. I just wanted to see her smile and her beautiful eyes. She was the Girl of Peter Parker's Dream. 

But still it ended up a Happy Birthday together with my friends and family. And oh i almost forgot a Big Thank you for HIM and prayed that more Birthday's to come!. And feels like " A single ray of  sunshine warms my face in one my gray Mornings". 

Note: Thank you for who greeted me. You know who you are. I can't specify because its too many!. And Sorry for too much drama. hahaha. And Happy Birthday to me again!.
Happy Birthday Spidey

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